ESig 1.0 Copyright 1996 Doesn't Byte Software All Rights Reserved _______________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL DOESN'T BYTE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF DOESN'T BYTE SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. _______________________________________________________________________ ESig is designed to change signature files for most Internet e-mail software that uses one text file for one signature. Each time ESig runs it will choose a signature at random from a list you create and run a selected program, i.e. Eudora, Agent, etc. ESig is small and fast and not noticed during loading. A sample signature file is included. ====================================================================== Installation: Copy ESig.exe and ESig.dat to a directory of your choice. I use Esig with Eudora so I place ESig in my Eudora directory. Other copies can be placed in other directories for each program you wish to use it with. The file ESig.dat has instructions for further setup. I hope none of the instructions are confusing, but if you have any problems, then please E-Mail Doesn't Byte Software to get a prompt response. ====================================================================== Requirements: Windows 3.1 or higher. Approx. 12K hard drive space (depending on size of ESig.Dat). ====================================================================== Future Improvements: More signatures Better layout for ESig.dat Editor for ESig.dat Smaller program size Alternate Signature for Eudora Pro users Any suggestions ====================================================================== Registration: Esig can be registered for $5.00 (US). There will never be an upgrade price for registered users. Registered users will receive updates via: E-Mail (free) or S-Mail ($2.00 US). Print ORDER.FRM to register. ====================================================================== Distribution: ESig 2.0 shareware version can be distributed freely as long as it's not charged for except for a small disk fee (under $3.00) and all original files are distributed. THE SOFTWARE OF THE MONTH CLUB OR ANY COMPANY OWNED OR OPERATED BY THEM MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS PROGRAM IN ANY MANNER. (Anyone wishing to know why may contact Doesn't Byte Software for the reason). Files included with ESig 2.0: ESig.exe Main Program ESig.dat Data File Readme.txt This File File_id.diz Information file for BBS' Information file for SDN Order.frm Order Form ====================================================================== Contact: Doesn't Byte Software 5228 Sage St. Mtn. Home, ID 83648-1160 E-Mail: